Nursing Schools in Delaware

Delaware currently has 3 active nursing schoolss.

Nursing schools offer a variety of programs leading to a degree in nursing and provide the necessary education and training to become a registered nurse (RN). The length of time it takes to complete a nursing program varies, but most programs can be completed in two to four years. The most common programs lead to an Associate degree in nursing (ADN), a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN), or a Master of Science in nursing (MSN).

Choosing the right nursing school for a career as a registered nurse is a very important decision. Below is a complete list of nursing schools in various locations throughout Delaware.

Browse Delaware Nursing Programs

University of Delaware School of Nursing - Nursing Schools in DE
University of Delaware School of Nursing
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Wilmington University College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences - Nursing Schools in DE
Wilmington University College of Health Professions & Natural Sciences
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Wilmington University - Georgetown - Nursing Schools in DE
Wilmington University - Georgetown
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Do you know of a nursing school in Delaware that is currently not listed? Please let us know!

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