Latest Entries Journal of Nursing

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

Tags: career connections education networking Nurse Education nursing school professional

Embarking on the journey to become a nurse is both exciting and challenging. While academic excellence and clinical skills are crucial components of nursing education, there is another vital aspect that often doesn't get as much attention: networking. Building a robust professional network during nursing school can significantly enhance your career prospects and provide invaluable support throughout your nursing journey. This article delves into why networking is essential for aspiring nurses and how to effectively build and maintain your professional connections.

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“Staying Prayed Up”: A Poem

“Staying Prayed Up”: A Poem

Tags: COVID-19 faith hardship nursing students poem prayer spiritual well being

The basis of the poem originated from my dissertation titled: The Lived Experiences of Nursing Students Spiritual Well-Being During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Research Study. The plethora of negative experiences was aggravated by experiences of social isolation arising from movement restrictions and social distancing requirements put in place as measures for containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The qualitative study aimed to examine the concept of the spiritual well-being of senior-level nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, the potential role of spiritual well-being in helping nursing students manage the stress associated with nursing school and coping during the pandemic. As the participants described religious practices being used as coping mechanisms the researcher was led to create the theme indicating a strong relationship with God thus, identified as a “Personal Relationship and Belief in God”. Mainly participants described spiritual well-being in the form of prayer, meditation, scripture, gospel music, apps of positive affirmation, and fasting. The descriptions of religious practices as coping mechanisms further provide insight into how spiritual well-being affects students’ ability to endure all of the hardships and survive during the COVID-19 pandemic. It seemed that no matter the circumstances that were endured the participant made a statement to confirm their faith. Many of the participants described their experience during the COVID-19 pandemic as relying heavily on prayer and staying “prayed up” to handle their experiences, therefore inspiring the poem “Staying Prayed Up”.

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Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Tags: career career guidance nursing profession professional rn transition transitioning

Switching careers can be a daunting but incredibly rewarding decision, especially when moving into the field of nursing. Whether you're coming from a completely different profession or a related field, the transition to nursing requires careful planning, dedication, and a passion for helping others. This article explores the challenges and rewards of leaving one career to pursue nursing and offers practical advice to help you navigate this significant change.

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Navigating Autoimmune Diseases: A Nurse's Personal and Professional Journey

Navigating Autoimmune Diseases: A Nurse's Personal and Professional Journey

Tags: autoimmune diseases disease health personal experience

This article highlights the importance of self-care for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, and explores alternative career paths beyond bedside nursing. It is based on my personal journey with autoimmune diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis, Hashimoto's disease, and warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia. By sharing my story, I aim to educate on autoimmune diseases, encourage nurses to prioritize their health, and illustrate diverse nursing career opportunities.

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Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Tags: Nurse Education nursing education nursing school values

Choosing the right nursing school is one of the most crucial decisions aspiring nurses will make on their journey to an impactful career. While factors like accreditation, location, and cost are undoubtedly important, there's another critical aspect that often goes overlooked: alignment of values. This article explores why finding a nursing school that resonates with your personal and professional values is essential and how it can shape your future in healthcare.

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Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Tags: burn Burn Patients clinical Modified Rankin Scale outcome

Burn injury is a significant health problem that presents various challenges to the patient and healthcare providers. Each year in the United States, an estimated 486,000 burn injuries require medical attention, of which 40,000 require hospitalization (American Burn Association, 2016). Of these 40,000 around 30,000 are admitted to specialized burn centers, specializing in burn care and management. Statistics reveal that the common causes of burns are due to fire/flame at 43%, scalds 34%, contact 9%, electrical 4%, chemical 3%, and other 7%. (American Burn Association, 2016). The most common place of occurrence was in the home at 73%. Burns occur in children and adults, affecting 68% of males and 32% of females. Also reported by the American Burn Association (ABA) was a survival rate for all cases at 96.8% (2016). Furthermore, a reported survival rate of 96.8% for all cases by the ABA (2016), underscores the importance of comprehensive care for burn patients, which begins at the time of injury and extends throughout the rehabilitation process. An optimal outcome is achieved when the patient is reintegrated back into society at a functional preinjury level (Herndon, D. 2017).

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My Journey With Asplenia...So Far

My Journey With Asplenia...So Far

Tags: Asplenia blood Infection prevention vaccine

Essay on my personal experience as a nurse and a patient, in the sense of asplenia as my status now in life. Disclosure of my personal observations as an asplenic person whom is also a nurse.

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Clinical Depression vs. Layman's' Depression: What Nurses Need to Know

Clinical Depression vs. Layman's' Depression: What Nurses Need to Know

Tags: depression mental health symptoms

The general term depressed used by laymen doesn't match the medical definition used by Nursing. How to distinguish the two.

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