Clinical Topics - Diagnosis

Pyelonephritis:  A Review of Literature

Pyelonephritis: A Review of Literature

Tags: diagnosis infection kidney kidney infection literature review Pyelonephritis urinary tract infection UTI

Pyelonephritis needs to be diagnosed early so proper treatment can be instituted to prevent further complications. If urinary tract infection is left untreated, it can spread to the blood stream.

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Clinical Algorithms and Leadership

Clinical Algorithms and Leadership

Tags: Clinical Algorithms critical thinking decision-making fall care leadership leadership in nursing leadership skills

Clinical algorithms can support the clinical practice of nursing staff. Nurses in acute care are expected to manage care for the acutely ill. The use of clinical algorithms can guide both new and experienced nurses with critical thinking and decision-making. The algorithms should be well organized and visually appealing. An algorithm should be re-evaluated after introduction into clinical practice, and further development should focus on its efficacy in producing a clinical outcome as well as by testing it in clinical education. 

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Disease Preveniton and Health Promotion Screening: Breast Cancer

Disease Preveniton and Health Promotion Screening: Breast Cancer

Tags: breast cancer cancer diagnostic assessments risk factors screening

Current risk factors for breast cancer, screening recommendations, and latest diagnostic assessments.

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The Importance of Educating in Real-Time

The Importance of Educating in Real-Time

Tags: acute care critical thinking educating nursing education patient care patient safety perioperative teaching

Working in the acute care hospital, provides many opportunities to learn. As healthcare workers, we must recognize and act quickly on any situation that puts a patient at risk. A recent situation occurred in the hospital that required both the need to act and to provide education in real-time.

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Use Critical Thinking: It takes Only a Second for an Error to Occur

Use Critical Thinking: It takes Only a Second for an Error to Occur

Tags: critical thinking healthcare workers learning

Working in an acute care hospital, provides many opportunities for learning. As healthcare workers, we must recognize and confront situations that put our patients at risk for harm. A recent situation occurred in the hospital that did provide an opportunity for learning and the need for an action plan.

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Clinical Decision Support Need for Standardization

Clinical Decision Support Need for Standardization

Tags: CDSS clinical clinical decisions decision-making patients

Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is interactive software that assists physicians in decision-making about their patients. The system utilize data from pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, and other patient monitoring systems to help physicians in enhancing patient care. Statistics show an increase in the number of medical institutions adopting CDSS in pursuit of reducing errors, improving the nursing documentation and improving patient outcomes. This paper discusses errors arising from the use of CDSS and ways of preventing them.

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Cardiac Amyloidosis: The oft times missed cardiomyopathy - A nurse’s personal story

Cardiac Amyloidosis: The oft times missed cardiomyopathy - A nurse’s personal story

Tags: cardiac Cardiac Amyloidosis Cardiac Diagnostic Case Study death disease end of life

Having been in nursing for over 30 years, nothing I had learned in school or through experience would prepare me for the long, misdiagnosed disease my husband suffered that eventually took his life. Forever changing my perspective on healthcare, it has prompted me to share this story with other nurses, hopefully, averting this course for other patients, and possibly one’s own family member.

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The Challenge of MSA: Multiple System Atrophy

The Challenge of MSA: Multiple System Atrophy

Tags: challenge diagnosis MSA multiple system atrophy neurologist

Five months later his wife called and said “Jack has been diagnosed with MSA and there’s not much they can do.” I asked if she meant MRSA. “No, it’s like Parkinson’s but there’s no known medication that helps.” The diagnosis was made by a neurologist who specializes in multiple system atrophy (MSA).

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