Cheyenne D. Bonja, RN

Cheyenne D. Bonja, RN is a frequent contributor to RN Journal with 1 articles published to date.

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Capnography: A Missed Vital Sign in Post Anesthesia Care Units

Capnography: A Missed Vital Sign in Post Anesthesia Care Units

Tags: anesthesia nurse opiods PACU

Capnography provides essential data on how well a patient is ventilating regardless of what the oxygen saturation monitor is reading. This is an under-utilized tool that can detect adverse respiratory events such as hypoventilation leading to hypoxia. Capnography is a non-invasive nasal cannula that sits just below the nose and captures end-tidal carbon dioxide. Nurses should make it a standard of practice to implement capnography for all patients who arrive into the PACU.

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