Tags: child Health Care Reform Hospital for Sick Children
I have been working closely with a little girl who has spent her life in a long-term acute care facility, and I am heartbroken by her lonely existence.
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Despite the improved enrollment from 2014, there are still a percentage of the population that remain without insurance. The Hispanic population continues to be the largest population that have not enrolled and recent limited data indicates a variety of reasons. The biggest promoters of health care are the individuals that provide the service. In order to promote enrollment, we need to use health care providers and nurses to be a resource, the educators and the “sellers” of Affordable Health Care.
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The United States of America is a nation known and heralded worldwide for its democracy, freedom, and wealth. Through our commerce, we have become a prosperous nation. Through our commonalities we stand united. Through our shared citizenship, we establish our community. Through our voices, we are heard. So why is it, our nation has been divided against the idea of health care being funded as a basic human right? U.S. Senator, Ted Kennedy, once said,
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The dark black hole in the Medicare Part-D prescription plan called the donut hole is finding the light, or is it? Health care reform has promised to close the donut hole for Medicare recipients completely by the year 2020 (Gionfriddo, 2010). The Consumer Report on Health (2012) confirms medication costs continue to rise with no end in sight. Who will pay the gap between what is currently covered and the predicted added coverage with Health Care Reform? According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS, 2011) the Medicare trust fund is currently running in a deficit. Reducing the burden of our Medicare population, with associated out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs, cannot be achieved by a system already running in a deficit. As we start to unravel the mystery behind closing the donut hole, can we identify who will pay?
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