Tags: Clinical Algorithms critical thinking decision-making fall care leadership leadership in nursing leadership skills
Clinical algorithms can support the clinical practice of nursing staff. Nurses in acute care are expected to manage care for the acutely ill. The use of clinical algorithms can guide both new and experienced nurses with critical thinking and decision-making. The algorithms should be well organized and visually appealing. An algorithm should be re-evaluated after introduction into clinical practice, and further development should focus on its efficacy in producing a clinical outcome as well as by testing it in clinical education.
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Working in the acute care hospital, provides many opportunities to learn. As healthcare workers, we must recognize and act quickly on any situation that puts a patient at risk. A recent situation occurred in the hospital that required both the need to act and to provide education in real-time.
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Working in an acute care hospital, provides many opportunities for learning. As healthcare workers, we must recognize and confront situations that put our patients at risk for harm. A recent situation occurred in the hospital that did provide an opportunity for learning and the need for an action plan.
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