Clinical Journal of Nursing

The Elusive Lessons of Encephalitis Lethargica

The Elusive Lessons of Encephalitis Lethargica

Tags: autoimmune diseases clinical COVID-19 disease infection neurologist

Encephalitis Lethargica (EL) is a disease that presented as a global pandemic during the early 20th century. It is believed that EL was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, with the remaining one third of survivors left permanently disabled. EL has a high level of morbidity and can cause considerable damage to the central nervous system. While a large outbreak of EL has not occurred in over 100 years, sporadic cases still occur. The etiology and pathogenesis of EL remain unknown. What is known is that EL has two forms, dyskinetic and Parkinsonian. Both forms of EL have similar clinical manifestations, but often differ in the affected patient populations. The dyskinetic form of EL is more common among children, while the Parkinsonian form of EL typically affects adults. Researchers have been attempting to find a connection between influenza and EL as both presented as temporally overlapping pandemics in the early 20th century. Furthermore, a connection between COVID-19 and EL may exist. This is important because both EL and COVID-19 are linked to neurological degeneration. EL has few effective treatments, such as Levodopa, a drug commonly used to treat Parkinson’s disease. The current lack of understanding of EL creates a vulnerability should the condition reemerge in pandemic proportions. If EL is associated with viral infections, then another viral pandemic may be sufficient for EL to return.

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Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Tags: burn Burn Patients clinical Modified Rankin Scale outcome

Burn injury is a significant health problem that presents various challenges to the patient and healthcare providers. Each year in the United States, an estimated 486,000 burn injuries require medical attention, of which 40,000 require hospitalization (American Burn Association, 2016). Of these 40,000 around 30,000 are admitted to specialized burn centers, specializing in burn care and management. Statistics reveal that the common causes of burns are due to fire/flame at 43%, scalds 34%, contact 9%, electrical 4%, chemical 3%, and other 7%. (American Burn Association, 2016). The most common place of occurrence was in the home at 73%. Burns occur in children and adults, affecting 68% of males and 32% of females. Also reported by the American Burn Association (ABA) was a survival rate for all cases at 96.8% (2016). Furthermore, a reported survival rate of 96.8% for all cases by the ABA (2016), underscores the importance of comprehensive care for burn patients, which begins at the time of injury and extends throughout the rehabilitation process. An optimal outcome is achieved when the patient is reintegrated back into society at a functional preinjury level (Herndon, D. 2017).

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What Can We Do to Promote Professional Socialization in Nursing?

What Can We Do to Promote Professional Socialization in Nursing?

Tags: clinical mentoring nursing faculty perioperative professional socialization student nurse transitioning working together

Transitioning to a new work setting is challenging for many nurses regardless of the time spent in practice. Promoting professional socialization, through mentoring and precepting, helps to facilitate a smooth transition. Effective mentoring, using role play, reflective exercises, and debriefing, provides the transitioning nurse the opportunity to self-actualize his or her potential in the new work environment. The use of Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory and Duchscher's Stages of Transition Theory as a basis for mentorship enhances safety and quality in the provision of care.

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Post-Fall Care Nursing Algorithm

Post-Fall Care Nursing Algorithm

Tags: clinical Clinical Education fall care fall prevention falls nursing

Post-Fall care practices are an integral aspect to patient care. As we care for older adults it is important to consider post-fall care practices.

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Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Tags: clinical clinical experience nursing school nursing students preceptorship student nurse students teamwork undergraduate working together

This article emphasizes the value of working together in training the future nurses, and suggests strategies and tools to assist in the process. Bringing quality and safety to nursing education in the classroom and clinical is of high importance. Staff nurses play a key role in the clinical preparation and success of the student nurse. Faculty, preceptors, students and the system at large can be more successful if working together to reach the learning objectives and goals. Designated educational units (DEU) are an example of improved clinical teaching/learning environments, but every clinical unit can participate and practice quality regardless to the formal structure and protocal of an established DEU. Understanding that the staff nurse plays a significant role in mentoring the future nurse generation is a reason enough to see working with students is a necessity rather than a burden.

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Scope of Advanced Practice for Nurses in the United Kingdom

Scope of Advanced Practice for Nurses in the United Kingdom

Tags: advanced practice apn clinical critical care ICU nursing leadership united kingdom

A 3,500 word article which critically discusses advanced practice for nurses within the United Kingdom. This was originally written for an MSc in Advanced Practice.

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Rising to the Challenge of Nursing Education

Rising to the Challenge of Nursing Education

Tags: clinical clinical experience education future of nursing healthcare system nurse shortage nursing faculty students teaching

As the nursing shortage and nursing faculty shortage continue, it is imperative that we look to innovative measures in order to increase the number of available baccalaureate prepared nurses. At the same time, it is crucial that we do not neglect the quality of education required to receive the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. This paper examines potential solutions to the ongoing nursing shortage.

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Clinical Decision Support Need for Standardization

Clinical Decision Support Need for Standardization

Tags: CDSS clinical clinical decisions decision-making patients

Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is interactive software that assists physicians in decision-making about their patients. The system utilize data from pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, and other patient monitoring systems to help physicians in enhancing patient care. Statistics show an increase in the number of medical institutions adopting CDSS in pursuit of reducing errors, improving the nursing documentation and improving patient outcomes. This paper discusses errors arising from the use of CDSS and ways of preventing them.

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Remember When We Were Nursing Students

Remember When We Were Nursing Students

Tags: clinical clinical rotations nursing school nursing students stress student students violence

I remember, as most nurses can, their days in nursing school, feeling anxious and scared going to clinical rotations to take care of real living patients and not just the mannequins in the lab. Most us can also recall how the floor nurses treated us as students engrossed in our clinical rotations. There were nurses who made a positive impression on us and unfortunately there were nurses who did not make a positive impression. Terms such as “Incivility”, “Bullying”, “Vertical Violence” and “Internal Violence” have become too familiar in today’s nursing literature. As an Associate Professor of Nursing, it is a shame to have to include such terms in nursing lectures and worse of all trying to explain reasons this may be happening among nurses and just may happen to them as nursing students. According to Luparell (2011) “Because today’s student are tomorrow’s colleagues, conversations regarding incivility and bullying should include specific aspects of nursing academia and the preparation of new nurses”.

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Effect of Evidence-Based Method Clinical Education on Patients Care Quality and Their Satisfaction

Effect of Evidence-Based Method Clinical Education on Patients Care Quality and Their Satisfaction

Tags: chemotherapy clinical Clinical Education clinicals Evidence-based nursing patient care patient education patient satisfaction student nurse students

Nowadays, evidence-based education with a serious purpose, explicit and rational than the best current evidence to decision-making in nursing education has been addressed. This study aimed to assess the effect of clinical evidence based on the quality of patient care was performed Usual care based on traditional evidence-based care training has been under almost identical. Student feedback questionnaire data, patient satisfaction and quality of care were collected and then were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. This study suggests that the use of evidence-based education in nursing care is not only effective as traditional education. But also knowledge and skills and promote high quality of care and the patient's hospital stay and costs were reduced.

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The Management of Crohn's Disease in Adults and Young People

The Management of Crohn's Disease in Adults and Young People

Tags: abdominal pain adults best practice children Chron's clinical Crohn's disease disease treatment treatment options Young People

The guideline offers best practice advice on the care of adults, children and young people with Crohn's disease. These are the first evidence-based clinical and cost-effectiveness guidelines for Crohn's disease in the United Kingdom.

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Clinical Nursing: Keeping Your Skills In-Tune 

Clinical Nursing: Keeping Your Skills In-Tune 

Tags: advocate clinical clinical experience dermatitis health care medical technology student nurse

The primary duty of every nurse is the assessment of a patient’s physical and emotional well-being. This basic-skill learned in the very first nursing class is the one skill and primary duty the nurse will use every day with his and/or her patients.

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Keeping a Positive Outlook: My Clinical Experience as a Student Nurse 

Keeping a Positive Outlook: My Clinical Experience as a Student Nurse 

Tags: clinical clinical experience health care nursing students preceptorship student nurse

My experience in my senior year clinical preceptorship was without a doubt unique but I feel its uniqueness was in what I made of it, something every nursing student can do for themselves. If there is one lesson to gain from reading about my experiences it should be that the success of a clinical, whether a preceptorship or group experience, is entirely what the student makes of it.

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