Advice Journal of Nursing

9 Steps to an Exceptionally Happy Day at Work

9 Steps to an Exceptionally Happy Day at Work

Tags: advice career guidance good day happy workday

Nurses are practical and purposeful. When your job is managing the well-being of other people it can be tough to put yourself in the schedule. Most nurses I know find caring for everyone else easy and the very thought of taking care of themselves may seem selfish. Yet, to achieve true balance one must learn to receive in the cycle of giving.

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Tags: advice connecting with patients connections growth nursing experiences transformation workday

This article is an ode to taking one day at a time and connecting to others.

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Influenza: Expert Advice You Need Now

Influenza: Expert Advice You Need Now

Tags: advice child children emergency department Flu Influenza pediatrics The Flu

Among other advice for managing an influx of patients with possible flu, Dr. Whitley describes his experiences with clinical decisions such as which patients should be hospitalized and who can be safely managed at home during the ongoing influenza season. He also addresses the important issue of antiviral treatment and why he believes it is an essential component in the fight against influenza.

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Getting a Foothold in the Nephronic Syndrome: Dietary Adjustments for the Chronic Hypertensive Type two Diabetic-Nephropathy Patients

Getting a Foothold in the Nephronic Syndrome: Dietary Adjustments for the Chronic Hypertensive Type two Diabetic-Nephropathy Patients

Tags: advice diabetes dietary adjustments eating habits hypertensive metabolic disease type two diabetic

Moderate and/or severe protein restrictions may indeed, be proposed in chronic renal failure both to fight its symptoms and to slow its progression. In diabetic patients, whether insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent, have a chronic disease that has generally existed for a number of years before the onset of renal failure.

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