Artificial Intelligence Journal of Nursing

Integrating Large Language Models and Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education

Integrating Large Language Models and Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education

Tags: artificial intelligence future of nursing medical technology Nurse Education technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the medical industry has brought about changes in patient care, diagnosis, and therapy. At the same time, higher education has realized that it needs to adapt to these technological advancements to ensure that future nurses have the knowledge and skills required in the rapidly evolving healthcare environment. This brief commentary aims to ascertain the implicit support that academic faculty members offer for the application of large language models and artificial intelligence in the teaching of nursing sciences.

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Innovation and Technology in the AI Era: Enhancing Healthcare Systems and Nursing Care in the U.S.

Innovation and Technology in the AI Era: Enhancing Healthcare Systems and Nursing Care in the U.S.

Tags: artificial intelligence diagnosis Health Care Reform innovation training program nursing technology

This paper explores the impact of AI innovations in the U.S. healthcare system, particularly within the nursing profession. Key AI applications such as predictive analytics, robotic assistance, personalized medicine, and virtual nursing assistants are examined.

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