Symptoms Journal of Nursing

Clinical Depression vs. Layman's' Depression: What Nurses Need to Know

Clinical Depression vs. Layman's' Depression: What Nurses Need to Know

Tags: depression mental health symptoms

The general term depressed used by laymen doesn't match the medical definition used by Nursing. How to distinguish the two.

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Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease

Tags: Chron's disease patient symptoms treatment

The paper includes the identification, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of Crohn's disease. The paper also addresses nutrition, diet, and nursing interventions and education to help manage the disease.

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The Signs and Symptoms’ of Cardiomyopathy: The Awareness and Actions of the Registered Nurse 

The Signs and Symptoms’ of Cardiomyopathy: The Awareness and Actions of the Registered Nurse 

Tags: cardiac cardiomyopathy echocardiography heart attack signs symptoms

A careful history-taking by the registered nurse or practitioner along with a complete physical examination can reveal cardiomyopathies, but it is appropriate to confirm the diagnosis with a transthoracic echocardiography and selected laboratory studies.

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