Tags: advanced practice advice advocacy advocate bullying child culture depression emergency emergency department Emergency nurse Emergency Nurses heart attack investigation love medication mental health patient safety stress treatment Whistleblowers work environment wound care
Since leaving nursing in 2008 I have wanted to write about my experiences as an emergency nurse and what happened to me as a whistleblower. This is my story.
Read More →Tags: birth delivering a baby emergency department Emergency nurse ER restroom
Nurse's experience of delivering a baby in the restroom of an ED.
Read More →Tags: critical care Emergency nurse ICU ICU Nurse nursing experiences surgical unit transition
Exemplar of my nursing experience of my transition from ER nurse to an ICU nurse.
Read More →Tags: Bedside Manner cpr critical care emergency emergency department Emergency nurse family Family Presence nurse
A descriptive survey conducted in 2000 (Myers, et al 2000) investigated attitudes and beliefs of patients’ families and ER staff members about FWR. The survey reported that 98% of patients’ families indicated that they had a right to be present and would do it and would participate in FWR again; 100% of family members said that FWR was helpful to them, and 95% said it was helpful for the patient. It also showed that 70% of professionals surveyed after their participation in FWR actually produced a higher level of “professional” behavior along with a more “professional” bedside dialog amongst the health care team. The survey also indicated that having the family in the resuscitation room prompted the staff to take the patient’s dignity, privacy, and need for pain management into greater consideration when compared to an un-witnessed resuscitation effort. (Myers, et al 2000)
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