Challenges Journal of Nursing

The Negative Impacts of Fast-Track Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Negative Impacts of Fast-Track Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tags: burnout challenges COVID-19 future of nursing Nurse Education staffing shortages

Fast-tracked nursing graduates faced challenges due to limited training during COVID-19. Learn how this impacted patient safety, workplace dynamics, and the future of healthcare.

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A Difficult Patient

A Difficult Patient

Tags: challenges difficult patient PACU

Article about managing a difficult patient in the PACU setting. In my nursing career, there are many different types of challenges. Job challenges, schedule challenges and patient related challenges. No matter what type of nursing I have encountered there are always difficult patients that test my nursing skills. Whether the demands are related to technical skill, assessment or cultural understanding, I enjoy that critical thinking that is required to rise to the occasion. As a seasoned nurse I feel that technical challenges have become easier to handle, while the social or cultural challenges have my increased interest. I continue to obtain as much education as I can to assist my nursing challenges.

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