Tags: advocacy assertiveness communication nursing assistant patient safety
Nursing Assistants are non-licensed clinical staff who, despite being directly involved in patient care, may be reluctant to call out safety concerns because of their position within the clinical hierarchal structure. The current nursing assistant training curriculum provides basic instruction on communication and teamwork skills, however, does little to reinforce the importance of the nursing assistant’s role, or empower these staff to bring safety concerns forward. This reluctance to speak up may result in unaddressed safety issues and patient harm.
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Collaboration is especially significant in the healthcare environment to meet the increasingly complex demands of patients with multiple co-morbidities. This article discusses the importance of interprofessional collaboration, communication, and team building.
Read More →Tags: communication language LEP linguistics medication errors patient education patient safety
This paper discusses how linguistic differences can contribute to patient adverse outcomes and the role of health care providers in mitigating the impact.
Read More →Tags: communication PACU patients
A brief article about a patient that inspired me.
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From time to time, physicians are taken to task by fellow physicians and many others for a variety of shortcomings in the practice of their profession. Common among the listed faults is a lack of effective communication with their patients.
Read More →Tags: aging assessment skills clear with simplified language communication communicator diabetes direct involvement disease educator efficiency of care health health literacy knowledge patient patient education
The aging populations in the U.S. with ‘Essential’ Hypertension are showing inadequate health literacy, plus its impact on patients with idiopathic chronic diseases such as type II, adult onset Diabetes Mellitus are makeable. To identify among patients with hypertension and/or with diabetes the relationship between their functional health literacy levels, and the role of the registered nurse as communicator and educator.
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