Professional Journal of Nursing

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

Tags: career connections education networking Nurse Education nursing school professional

Embarking on the journey to become a nurse is both exciting and challenging. While academic excellence and clinical skills are crucial components of nursing education, there is another vital aspect that often doesn't get as much attention: networking. Building a robust professional network during nursing school can significantly enhance your career prospects and provide invaluable support throughout your nursing journey. This article delves into why networking is essential for aspiring nurses and how to effectively build and maintain your professional connections.

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My Professional Path as a Nurse

My Professional Path as a Nurse

Tags: ICU ICU Nurse nurse path professional

When I was a little girl, I’ve always been fascinated to see nurses in white uniform. I have this inner desire that nursing is something that I really wanted to do. Eventually, I enrolled in the nursing program and finished my degree. I started working in medical area and I learned that to be a nurse you have to be caring, patient, integrity, intelligent, have a compassionate and listening ear, and always seek knowledge for advancement.

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