Professional Rn Journal of Nursing

Professionalism in Nursing: Presenting Yourself as a Professional

Professionalism in Nursing: Presenting Yourself as a Professional

Tags: health care professionals mentoring nurse professional rn

Professionalism in nursing is often defined as acting with altruism, caring, and professionalism. Professionalism is defined as the educational level required to enter the field. Presenting yourself as a nursing professional depends on several other factors, including your resume/CV, professional attire, social media accounts, and participation in professional organizations.

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Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Tags: career career guidance nursing profession professional rn transition transitioning

Switching careers can be a daunting but incredibly rewarding decision, especially when moving into the field of nursing. Whether you're coming from a completely different profession or a related field, the transition to nursing requires careful planning, dedication, and a passion for helping others. This article explores the challenges and rewards of leaving one career to pursue nursing and offers practical advice to help you navigate this significant change.

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Regional anesthesia; A quick introduction

Regional anesthesia; A quick introduction

Tags: anesthesia bsn professional rn Regional anesthesia

This article offers a small introduction and overview regarding regional anesthesia. You have nerves that run all through your body. Nerves provide a pathway for impulses to communicate between the brain and other parts of your body. Not only do your nerves tell your muscles to move, they tell your brain when something is painful.

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Nursing Speciality Certification
Examining the Transition for New Graduate Professional RN 

Examining the Transition for New Graduate Professional RN 

Tags: new graduate nurse professional rn student nurse transition work environment

Transition into the role of the professional nurse is cause for great excitement and apprehension for the student nurse. As a soon to be BSN graduate, this author noted a similar theme amongst classmates which provided an opportunity for inquiry to highlight key strategies for successful transition for the entry-level professional nurse

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