Profession Journal of Nursing

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Tags: career career guidance nursing profession professional rn transition transitioning

Switching careers can be a daunting but incredibly rewarding decision, especially when moving into the field of nursing. Whether you're coming from a completely different profession or a related field, the transition to nursing requires careful planning, dedication, and a passion for helping others. This article explores the challenges and rewards of leaving one career to pursue nursing and offers practical advice to help you navigate this significant change.

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Promoting the Nursing Profession Through Shared Governance

Promoting the Nursing Profession Through Shared Governance

Tags: advocacy advocate conflict resolution nursing leadership profession promotion shared governance

This article takes a historical look at the image of nursing from the days of Nightingale. The nursing profession is strained and incivility is on the rise. Now is the time to go back to the basics and look through the lens of shared governance to promote the profession and preserve its numbers.

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Wrongful Work Termination Because of Age and Sex Discrimination

Wrongful Work Termination Because of Age and Sex Discrimination

Tags: civil rights discrimination profession

Wrongful work termination based on age and sex should be prohibited in workplaces.  Workplace discrimination occurs when an employer makes a job related decision to terminate employment based on characteristics such as sex and age, which makes it illegal. As a matter of fact, employment termination because of age and sex is prohibited by Congress, state, and local legislature.  Federal and state labor laws exist to protect employees from workplace discrimination.  Nowadays age and sex should not be a factor in termination of employment otherwise an employer will be liable for his/her actions.  No worker, except certain executives, can be forced into involuntary retirement at a certain age, as people are fully protected by the law. 

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Nursing Speciality Certification
It is Time to Recruit More Men into the Profession of Nursing

It is Time to Recruit More Men into the Profession of Nursing

Tags: history of nursing male nurse men nursing school profession recruiting

It is a benefit to have men working in the profession of nursing. We need to recruit more men into our nursing schools and to work in our healthcare institutions. Both male and female nurses bring different perspectives and benefits to the profession of nursing and to the patient’s they care for. The ability of men to negotiate and obtain higher salaries and positions in both administration and nursing specialty areas may serve as the impetus to elevate the entire nursing profession.

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Is Nursing a Profession?

Is Nursing a Profession?

Tags: advanced education advanced practice culture debate ethical principles ethical standards ethical values ethics nursing nursing ethics profession RN to BSN

Professions require that educational preparedness must be within institutions of higher learning. In order to be held out as a profession, an individual must be able to practice autonomously within their scope of practice. Nurses have an identified scope of practice mandated by a particular state board of nursing. A profession has a code of ethics which is recognized across numerous levels of practice within the profession. The culture and norms of a profession are easily recognized by the professionals who make-up the body.

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The Nursing Image: A Position Paper

The Nursing Image: A Position Paper

Tags: advocacy advocate Community Health Nursing ethics future of nursing media Nurse Education nursing ethics Perception perioperative Position Paper profession reflection

The nursing image connotes a healing caregiver at a patient’s bedside. Nursing as a highly skilled and education profession remains incongruent with media and advertising portrayal of the nursing image, in contrast to published reports as the most trusted profession for the past decade. Current public perceptions of the nursing image are sharply contrasted to that of how nursing prefers to be viewed. This purpose of this work is to edify two contrasting positions of the ethical constructs of the nursing image as well as present posits of the author.

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