Caring Journal of Nursing

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

Tags: Authentic leadership balance caregiver caring Caring Behaviors caring in nursing compassion experiences nursing assistant working together

I have spent nearly four decades in healthcare and have learned that if you want to be the best healthcare professional possible, finding balance is critical. Here I share my personal journey into nursing and leadership and the valuable lessons learned along the way. The truth is, they are just as valuable today as they were back then.

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A Competent Psychiatric Nurse: What role does empathy provide in competency?

A Competent Psychiatric Nurse: What role does empathy provide in competency?

Tags: caring caring in nursing Competency Empathy mental health Mental Illness Psychiatry

The fundamental foundation in initiating competent skills as a psychiatric nurse is similar to any specialty in nursing. We must implement the necessary processes of providing the standard of care by using the method known as the nursing process. To successfully implement these steps it is necessary to seek understanding of the clients’ individuality which takes effort, establishment of rapport, and time. Empathy is an essential factor to obtain accurate data, individualize interventions, and best outcomes addressing the clients’ uniqueness. As a psychiatric nurse one noted that empathy plays a significant role in providing competent care and optimizing positive outcomes for my acute mentally ill clients.

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The Cost of Caring

The Cost of Caring

Tags: caregiver caring Case Study cost stress students

Nurses care for individuals when they are most vulnerable and often serve as emotional outlets. It is this deep caring that can lead to nurses becoming burnt out or developing vicarious traumatization, secondary traumatic stress, or compassion fatigue. Awareness of these phenomena and methods of prevention needs to be increased throughout the profession. This includes teaching nursing students as they begin having interactions with patients in the clinical setting.

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Do We Really Know Who Our Patients Are?

Do We Really Know Who Our Patients Are?

Tags: caring connecting with patients fundamendals nursing patient identification pilot study task oriented who is our patient

The profession of nursing has become so task orientated that we often forget to ask, "Who is our patient? ”What was their life like prior to becoming ill?" With advances in technology and the business atmosphere of healthcare nurses are often not able to provide patients with one of the most fundamental core competencies of nursing, caring.

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Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Tags: care career guidance caring caring in nursing compassion hospice nurse

Leininger’s Theory of cultural care and Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring in the RN Journal.

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