Experiences Journal of Nursing

What’s the Deal With Being Unprepared?  Patient’s Should Know...

What’s the Deal With Being Unprepared? Patient’s Should Know...

Tags: cardiac emergency emergency department emergency room ER experiences

My husband has had 2 chest pain events within a week. As a nurse working primarily in cardiac nursing most of my career, I knew that any family member entering the arena of chest pain treatment would bear the wrath of my watchful eye. This has been An eye-opening, untoward (in my opinion), experience and an experience that can become a learning moment for many, as my skilled eye in emergency room settings can cause “jading” of an experience, but the perception should carry forward.

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The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

Tags: Authentic leadership balance caregiver caring Caring Behaviors caring in nursing compassion experiences nursing assistant working together

I have spent nearly four decades in healthcare and have learned that if you want to be the best healthcare professional possible, finding balance is critical. Here I share my personal journey into nursing and leadership and the valuable lessons learned along the way. The truth is, they are just as valuable today as they were back then.

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The Novice Nurse

The Novice Nurse

Tags: experiences expert humor novice nursing experiences professional socialization

This article is an ode to doing new things in an old profession and a guide to being funny. I work with a nurse who has been working in the same department for twenty years plus. When she is asked to do something, she often remarks, “I don’t know what the hell I am doing”.

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Receiving another patient helped save my other patient...

Receiving another patient helped save my other patient...

Tags: elderly experiences nursing nursing experiences PACU

I started my day in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). I work the 7a-7p shift. It was just another routine day. I received an 84yr old female patient Mrs. R from the Main Operating Room (OR) who had undergone a Left Shoulder Replacement. Mrs. R received an interscalene block for pain in the OR and had general anesthesia. Since she was elderly and was not having good tidal volumes at the end of the case anesthesia decided to keep her on the ventilator a bit longer until she woke up more...

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What do they expect?  A comparison of student expectations and outcomes of undergraduate research experiences

What do they expect? A comparison of student expectations and outcomes of undergraduate research experiences

Tags: experiences nursing students perioperative research student student expectations student outcomes students

The big challenges facing nursing students today have permanent effects on us all as patients. Nursing students need to be able to value the relevance, authority, and utility of nursing research for patient care through embedding research learning in both academic and practice-based settings. Students can be supported in learning how to access, understand, and appraise the authority of research through weaving these skills into enquiry-based learning. Furthermore, encouraging students to undertake research- based practice change projects can support research utilization and development skills.

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