Compassion Journal of Nursing

The Career Path of a Family Nurse Practitioner: A Journey of Care and Compassion

The Career Path of a Family Nurse Practitioner: A Journey of Care and Compassion

Tags: care career compassion family family nurse practitioner profession

The role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is both dynamic and rewarding, offering a unique blend of expertise and care. As healthcare continues to evolve, FNPs play a crucial role in providing comprehensive primary care to individuals and families across the lifespan. This article explores the career path of a Family Nurse Practitioner, outlining the educational requirements, job responsibilities, and potential career opportunities.

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Navigating Nursing School: Do's and Don'ts for Aspiring Nurses

Navigating Nursing School: Do's and Don'ts for Aspiring Nurses

Tags: career compassion connections future learning nursing education nursing school school

So, you’ve set your sights on becoming a nurse, congratulations! Nursing is a noble profession, full of rewards and challenges. But how do you make the most of your time in nursing school? What should you do, and what should you avoid? Let’s explore the essential do's and don’ts that will help you navigate nursing school successfully.

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Incorporating End-of-Life Content Early in BSN Programs

Incorporating End-of-Life Content Early in BSN Programs

Tags: bsn compassion death end of life hospice nurse patient who died students

The purpose of this article is to address the need for nursing students to have more and earlier exposure to death, dying and end-of-life care in their BSN programs. Beginner nursing students often have their first client interactions in long-term care facilities, and it is where they are most often exposed to death. This usually happens before they have given death and end-of-life care much thought, let alone learned about it formally in the classroom. This article will highlight ideas for incorporating content into the classroom as well as give a greater understanding of the need for students to be exposed to all aspects of end-of-life care early and throughout the BSN program.

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The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

Tags: Authentic leadership balance caregiver caring Caring Behaviors caring in nursing compassion experiences nursing assistant working together

I have spent nearly four decades in healthcare and have learned that if you want to be the best healthcare professional possible, finding balance is critical. Here I share my personal journey into nursing and leadership and the valuable lessons learned along the way. The truth is, they are just as valuable today as they were back then.

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True Suffering In An ICU

True Suffering In An ICU

Tags: compassion ICU intensive care unit love suffering

Essay concerning the view of various interactors in an ICU. Told from the perspective of a Professional therapeutic counselor who has counseled doctors, nurses, family, allied health and patients. Considers the suffering of all involved in the daily interactions of the ICU milieu.

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The Blessing: A Nurse’s Story

The Blessing: A Nurse’s Story

Tags: blessing compassion family nursing stroke

It was nine o’clock pm and I was walking briskly out of Recovery Room, knowing I had to be back the next day at six am. Though in a hurry, I purveyed the family waiting room to see if there were any visitors who needed help after the patient representative had gone home. I immediately noticed a lone woman with an anxious look on her face. As it turned out, her daughter-in-law had just been transferred to Intensive Care. Instead of waiting for one of our transporters, I decided to take her up myself. As we headed down the hall, she stated: “I bet you’re trying to leave, aren’t you?” I affirmed her observation. I added that, it was quite all right. We arrived at the particular ICU where her daughter-in-law was transferred, and upon talking with the patient’s RN, I was able to let her in right away. She turned to me and said: “Thank you; you will be blessed.”

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Nurse, please pray with me. 

Nurse, please pray with me. 

Tags: care comfort compassion health nurse prayer

Prayer may benefit both the nurse and the patient; both may find comfort in prayer. Prayer may also help patients and their families adjust emotionally to their illness or life events and support the patients’ spiritual health.

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Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Tags: care career guidance caring caring in nursing compassion hospice nurse

Leininger’s Theory of cultural care and Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring in the RN Journal.

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