Career Guidance Journal of Nursing

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Transitioning to Nursing: Making the Leap from One Career to Another

Tags: career career guidance nursing profession professional rn transition transitioning

Switching careers can be a daunting but incredibly rewarding decision, especially when moving into the field of nursing. Whether you're coming from a completely different profession or a related field, the transition to nursing requires careful planning, dedication, and a passion for helping others. This article explores the challenges and rewards of leaving one career to pursue nursing and offers practical advice to help you navigate this significant change.

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9 Steps to an Exceptionally Happy Day at Work

9 Steps to an Exceptionally Happy Day at Work

Tags: advice career guidance good day happy workday

Nurses are practical and purposeful. When your job is managing the well-being of other people it can be tough to put yourself in the schedule. Most nurses I know find caring for everyone else easy and the very thought of taking care of themselves may seem selfish. Yet, to achieve true balance one must learn to receive in the cycle of giving.

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Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Caring and the Professional Practice of Nursing 

Tags: care career guidance caring caring in nursing hospice nurse

Leininger’s Theory of cultural care and Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring in the RN Journal.

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