Nursing Education Journal of Nursing

Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Tags: Nurse Education nursing education nursing school values

Choosing the right nursing school is one of the most crucial decisions aspiring nurses will make on their journey to an impactful career. While factors like accreditation, location, and cost are undoubtedly important, there's another critical aspect that often goes overlooked: alignment of values. This article explores why finding a nursing school that resonates with your personal and professional values is essential and how it can shape your future in healthcare.

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Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Tags: bsn degrees Nurse Education nursing education RN to BSN

Whether one is a recent graduate of an associate degree in nursing program or an experienced nurse who wishes to explore other opportunities in nursing. It is a good time to consider enrolling in a RN to BSN program and complete the BSN degree in nursing. In many cases, a BSN will open the door to opportunities in management, quality improvement, or be the first step in obtaining a Master of Science degree in nursing. In addition, some medical centers that hold Magnet recognition from the American Nurses' Credentialing Center (ANCC) require nurses to either have a BSN or begin school to obtain a BSN.

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The Importance of Educating in Real-Time

The Importance of Educating in Real-Time

Tags: acute care critical thinking educating nursing education patient care patient safety perioperative teaching

Working in the acute care hospital, provides many opportunities to learn. As healthcare workers, we must recognize and act quickly on any situation that puts a patient at risk. A recent situation occurred in the hospital that required both the need to act and to provide education in real-time.

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Preparation of Faculty in the Era of Educational Technology

Preparation of Faculty in the Era of Educational Technology

Tags: educational technology nursing education nursing faculty teaching technology barriers

While online nursing education programs are on the increase, faculty is constantly challenged to teach effectively in online environment. Preparation of nursing faculty in educational technology provides avenues for successful online teaching.

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The Future of Nursing Education: Heading for a Major Crisis

The Future of Nursing Education: Heading for a Major Crisis

Tags: advanced practice advocate clinical experience future of nursing history of nursing nursing education nursing faculty nursing leadership nursing school requirements undergraduate

Nursing as a practice and profession has experienced significant changes over the years. For instance, in the 1800s nurses were expected to be subservient to doctors. Just hear what the doctor who gave Springfield Hospital’s first nursing graduation address: "Every nurse must remember that it is the attending physician's business to make a diagnosis of disease and hence that she should never hazard an opinion herself, under any circumstances." (Dr. Hooker, Springfield Hospital Annual Report, 1894). It would be interesting to know what the nursing faculty were thinking when they heard those words. Thankfully nurses during that era did not take the doctor’s advice and remained dedicated to advance and advocate for the profession of nursing. Around the same time that Springfield Hospital’s first nursing graduating class were listening to their graduation address, Florence Nightingale along with other nurse advocates, were making incredible strides to implement nursing education. After the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale recognized and introduced the need for formal nursing education but the education was limited to basic nursing knowledge and skills. As a result of the Women’s Rights Movement in the 1900s, the idea of nursing as a profession evolved into a reality. As society’s healthcare needs changed, nursing education had to change to meet those needs. There were however, challenges each century faced when trying to ensure nursing education met society’s needs and today, the challenges faced are heading right for a major crisis.

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The Birmingham VA Nursing Academy Partnership

The Birmingham VA Nursing Academy Partnership

Tags: education medical technology nursing academy nursing education nursing partnership nursing school partnership students veterans veterans affairs

This article describes a partnership and the importance of partnering with the Birmingham VA Medical Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing as part of a pilot program in The United States to promote nursing careers in the VA hospital and to improve the quality of nursing education in the School of Nursing. Since it began, in 2009, this program, called the Veterans Affairs Nursing Academy Partnership, has consistently performed beyond expectations to increase the breadth of knowledge for a select group of baccalaureate nursing students. Further it has created a strong connection between the Birmingham VA Medical Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing, a professional resource that benefits all students and faculty.

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Professional Nursing: Is A Doctorate Degree Necessary?

Professional Nursing: Is A Doctorate Degree Necessary?

Tags: degrees educational requirements ethics health nursing nursing education requirements

Obtaining a higher education has transitioned from being a privilege to a prerequisite for professional success. However, success is not always correlated with the level of education the individual possesses. This is especially true in the field of nursing.

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The Power of Preceptorship 

The Power of Preceptorship 

Tags: clinical experience nursing education nursing faculty shortages preceptorship

The clinical experience is an essential component to nursing education. The identification of formal preceptors grows increasingly difficult as competition for clinical sites and nursing faculty shortages continue to place a strain on the system.

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