Nurse Education Journal of Nursing

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

The Importance of Networking in Nursing School

Tags: career connections education networking Nurse Education nursing school professional

Embarking on the journey to become a nurse is both exciting and challenging. While academic excellence and clinical skills are crucial components of nursing education, there is another vital aspect that often doesn't get as much attention: networking. Building a robust professional network during nursing school can significantly enhance your career prospects and provide invaluable support throughout your nursing journey. This article delves into why networking is essential for aspiring nurses and how to effectively build and maintain your professional connections.

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Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Finding the Right Nursing School: Aligning Your Values with Your Education

Tags: Nurse Education nursing education nursing school values

Choosing the right nursing school is one of the most crucial decisions aspiring nurses will make on their journey to an impactful career. While factors like accreditation, location, and cost are undoubtedly important, there's another critical aspect that often goes overlooked: alignment of values. This article explores why finding a nursing school that resonates with your personal and professional values is essential and how it can shape your future in healthcare.

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Conflicts between Sound Educational Practices and Meeting the Needs of Practice for a nursing Graduate in the era of COVID-19

Conflicts between Sound Educational Practices and Meeting the Needs of Practice for a nursing Graduate in the era of COVID-19

Tags: COVID-19 Educational Practices graduate nurse graduates Nurse Education Nurse Educator

The U.S. healthcare landscape is continually changing due to population diversity, technological advancements, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in unique healthcare needs within multicultural communities. This evolution mandates nursing graduates to possess comprehensive skills to function in this dynamic environment. However, challenges such as full curricula, limited computer skills among nursing students, language barriers, and financial issues create a conflict between educational practices and practical requirements for nursing graduates. This article explores essential educational practices, highlighting the need for nursing programs to produce culturally competent graduates skilled in technology. It advocates for the incorporation of innovative learning strategies and curriculum flexibility in nursing education to foster sound educational practices, enabling graduates to meet the necessary outcomes and competencies in today's complex healthcare environment.

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Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Value of a Bachelor’s Educated Nurse

Tags: bsn degrees Nurse Education nursing education RN to BSN

Whether one is a recent graduate of an associate degree in nursing program or an experienced nurse who wishes to explore other opportunities in nursing. It is a good time to consider enrolling in a RN to BSN program and complete the BSN degree in nursing. In many cases, a BSN will open the door to opportunities in management, quality improvement, or be the first step in obtaining a Master of Science degree in nursing. In addition, some medical centers that hold Magnet recognition from the American Nurses' Credentialing Center (ANCC) require nurses to either have a BSN or begin school to obtain a BSN.

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Promoting Respect and an Environment of Civility in the Classroom

Promoting Respect and an Environment of Civility in the Classroom

Tags: behavior education emotional intelligence learning Nurse Education nursing faculty nursing students respect respectful behavior teaching

Educators today can attest to the lack of student respect shown in their classes. A lack of respect is a form of incivility. Since returning to in-person learning, respect has taken a nosedive. In fact, most of us have witnessed an increase of incivility in all walks of life. The question is, what to do about it? At a community college in upstate NY, the School of Nursing, Health & Wellness also noted a lack of respect displayed among students. The lack of respect was an issue the school felt strongly needed to be addressed. This prompted the creation of a Respect Committee with representatives from the Nursing Program, the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program and the Exercise and Human Performance Program to address the issue of student disrespect. To address the issue, the committee sent out a brief confidential survey to faculty and staff to investigate the prevalence of student disrespect, the facultys’ comfort with addressing student disrespect and established strategies for faculty to help guide them to promote a respectful environment for both teaching and learning.

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So... How Can We Better Learn CPR?

So... How Can We Better Learn CPR?

Tags: cpr Nurse Education

An essay on how I think teaching CPR for the benefit of the science of CPR is more valuable than having nurses learn CPR online followed by manikin practice thereafter.

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Health and Wellbeing: A Student Nurse's Perspective

Health and Wellbeing: A Student Nurse's Perspective

Tags: assertiveness health mental health Nurse Education stress student nurse students undergraduate wellbeing

This essay discusses health and well-being as multifaceted concepts and explores how my health and wellbeing has been affected since becoming a student nurse. This essay also discusses the importance of maintaining good health and wellbeing in relation to self-care and patient care.

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Increasing demands on nurses and the role of the nurse educator: Developing nursing competencies

Increasing demands on nurses and the role of the nurse educator: Developing nursing competencies

Tags: Competency Nurse Education Nurse Educator patient care patient outcomes patient safety performance

Increasing demands of todays healthcare environment poses many challenges for nurses providing care at the bedside. Nurse educators are in a position to develop nursing competencies that support nurses and assist them in the provision of safe, quality patient care.

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The Nursing Image: A Position Paper

The Nursing Image: A Position Paper

Tags: advocacy advocate Community Health Nursing ethics future of nursing media Nurse Education nursing ethics Perception perioperative Position Paper profession reflection

The nursing image connotes a healing caregiver at a patient’s bedside. Nursing as a highly skilled and education profession remains incongruent with media and advertising portrayal of the nursing image, in contrast to published reports as the most trusted profession for the past decade. Current public perceptions of the nursing image are sharply contrasted to that of how nursing prefers to be viewed. This purpose of this work is to edify two contrasting positions of the ethical constructs of the nursing image as well as present posits of the author.

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Our Responsibility at Tech-Savvy Nurses

Our Responsibility at Tech-Savvy Nurses

Tags: Nurse Education technology training

With the advent of electronic charting in the workplace comes new challenges for nurses and medical professionals. As computer users, we can help make the transition easier for those nurses, nursing assistants and nursing students who are not as comfortable with technology. This article lists a few ways to do so.

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Nurses And IELTS Exam

Nurses And IELTS Exam

Tags: certification IELTS Exam language Nurse Education

IELTS has been a fast growing organization over the years. I think It's expensive and it shouldn't be a requirement for nurses who want to work abroad. After all, most nurses know how to write, read, speak, and understand English.

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