Nursing Students Journal of Nursing

Introducing De-escalation Techniques in Nursing Education

Introducing De-escalation Techniques in Nursing Education

Tags: healthcare education nursing education nursing students student

Introduces the need to address the potential to encounter violence in the workplace and how de-escalation and physical crisis intervention can be utilized to promote safety for the patient and the staff members. It includes the importance of utilizing the team approach and staff debriefing after a physical intervention.

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To the Nursing Students...

To the Nursing Students...

Tags: education jobs nursing school nursing students

The article is directed to nursing students who have maybe lost hope during nursing school and to let them know that there is a happy ending to their journey. I was one of those people who struggled greatly, but came out stronger with my dream job. It is important for nursing students to hear that it does get better.

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The little moments that help keep nurses going

The little moments that help keep nurses going

Tags: night nurse night shift nursing students patient care

Recounting an incredible experience as a NICU nurse that helps keep me motivated to stay in the field.

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“Staying Prayed Up”: A Poem

“Staying Prayed Up”: A Poem

Tags: COVID-19 faith hardship nursing students poem prayer spiritual well being

The basis of the poem originated from my dissertation titled: The Lived Experiences of Nursing Students Spiritual Well-Being During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Research Study. The plethora of negative experiences was aggravated by experiences of social isolation arising from movement restrictions and social distancing requirements put in place as measures for containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The qualitative study aimed to examine the concept of the spiritual well-being of senior-level nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, the potential role of spiritual well-being in helping nursing students manage the stress associated with nursing school and coping during the pandemic. As the participants described religious practices being used as coping mechanisms the researcher was led to create the theme indicating a strong relationship with God thus, identified as a “Personal Relationship and Belief in God”. Mainly participants described spiritual well-being in the form of prayer, meditation, scripture, gospel music, apps of positive affirmation, and fasting. The descriptions of religious practices as coping mechanisms further provide insight into how spiritual well-being affects students’ ability to endure all of the hardships and survive during the COVID-19 pandemic. It seemed that no matter the circumstances that were endured the participant made a statement to confirm their faith. Many of the participants described their experience during the COVID-19 pandemic as relying heavily on prayer and staying “prayed up” to handle their experiences, therefore inspiring the poem “Staying Prayed Up”.

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Promoting Respect and an Environment of Civility in the Classroom

Promoting Respect and an Environment of Civility in the Classroom

Tags: behavior education emotional intelligence learning Nurse Education nursing faculty nursing students respect respectful behavior teaching

Educators today can attest to the lack of student respect shown in their classes. A lack of respect is a form of incivility. Since returning to in-person learning, respect has taken a nosedive. In fact, most of us have witnessed an increase of incivility in all walks of life. The question is, what to do about it? At a community college in upstate NY, the School of Nursing, Health & Wellness also noted a lack of respect displayed among students. The lack of respect was an issue the school felt strongly needed to be addressed. This prompted the creation of a Respect Committee with representatives from the Nursing Program, the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program and the Exercise and Human Performance Program to address the issue of student disrespect. To address the issue, the committee sent out a brief confidential survey to faculty and staff to investigate the prevalence of student disrespect, the facultys’ comfort with addressing student disrespect and established strategies for faculty to help guide them to promote a respectful environment for both teaching and learning.

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How to Ace Online Classes for Nurses

How to Ace Online Classes for Nurses

Tags: nursing students online learning student expectations student nurse

An online class could be exasperating, especially when there are other distractions such as work, family, and life. DO NOT PANIC! Follow these simple rules to succeed in any online course.

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Fostering Sound Relationships in Nursing Education Through Faculty and Student Mentoring

Fostering Sound Relationships in Nursing Education Through Faculty and Student Mentoring

Tags: ethical principles ethics mentorship nursing ethics nursing faculty nursing students perioperative stress students violence

This article will provide a brief review of the literature on the benefits of effective mentoring such as improvement in the confidence level of novice nursing faculty members that leads to success as a teacher. This article will also provide an overview of some types of mentoring programs currently available. Further, this article will examine the importance of mentoring as it relates to enhancing the student-faculty relationship. Lastly, this article will examine ethical standards and the faculty member's role in promoting a just culture between the student, their peers, and the faculty member in the learning environment.

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Nurses Eat Their Young; An Insight Into Systematic Hazing and its Implications on Patient Care

Nurses Eat Their Young; An Insight Into Systematic Hazing and its Implications on Patient Care

Tags: bullying hazing nursing nursing students patient care stress student nurse

I am a nursing student that worked as a CNA for six years. I was inspired to write this from my own experiences that I have encountered while working in the field of nursing.

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Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Tags: clinical clinical experience nursing school nursing students preceptorship student nurse students teamwork undergraduate working together

This article emphasizes the value of working together in training the future nurses, and suggests strategies and tools to assist in the process. Bringing quality and safety to nursing education in the classroom and clinical is of high importance. Staff nurses play a key role in the clinical preparation and success of the student nurse. Faculty, preceptors, students and the system at large can be more successful if working together to reach the learning objectives and goals. Designated educational units (DEU) are an example of improved clinical teaching/learning environments, but every clinical unit can participate and practice quality regardless to the formal structure and protocal of an established DEU. Understanding that the staff nurse plays a significant role in mentoring the future nurse generation is a reason enough to see working with students is a necessity rather than a burden.

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Story of Sarah

Story of Sarah

Tags: death dying emotions end of life nursing students

Story of a senior nursing student caring for a client dying and her emotional struggles.

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Improving Patient Care While Decreasing Costs: The Benefits, Barriers, and Student Perspectives on Nurse Residency Programs

Improving Patient Care While Decreasing Costs: The Benefits, Barriers, and Student Perspectives on Nurse Residency Programs

Tags: decreasing costs Floating graduates improving patient care new graduate nurses nursing nursing school nursing students patient care student perspectives violence

Many professions have long since realized that a vast divide exists between the classroom and real-world practice and, thus, have mandated transitional programs. Nursing lacks such an intermediate step as part of its professional training although new nurses are pressured to provide both safe and competent care to increasingly complex patients without any transitional support. To fill this gap many institutions have begun to implement their own nurse-residency programs [NRPs]. However, since not all institutions have introduced such transition-into-practice programs barriers must exist. Nationwide, NRPs are shrouded in confusion, false perceptions, and concerns that hinder their implementation. This manuscript was compiled to help shed light onto the reasons for the lack of implementation and provides evidence of the importance and overall benefits for such programs. Personal perspectives are also provided from the authors in order to gain a nursing-student perspective about these transitional programs.

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A Study To Exploring Nursing Students’ Lived Experiences In Pediatric Clinical Practice In A Selected College, Chennai

A Study To Exploring Nursing Students’ Lived Experiences In Pediatric Clinical Practice In A Selected College, Chennai

Tags: clinical experience nursing students pediatric pediatrics

The results of this research can serve as a reference for nursing teachers to design appropriate courses for pediatric nursing curriculum.

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The Hospital Room: Not Just Four Walls

The Hospital Room: Not Just Four Walls

Tags: hospital room nursing nursing faculty nursing students patient room

The patient room is a place where patients and families learn about an illness and treatment plan, and where patients get better or worse. It is very important for nurses/nursing students to get a sense of the emotion that goes on in these rooms, the room is more than four walls.

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Remember When We Were Nursing Students

Remember When We Were Nursing Students

Tags: clinical clinical rotations nursing school nursing students stress student students violence

I remember, as most nurses can, their days in nursing school, feeling anxious and scared going to clinical rotations to take care of real living patients and not just the mannequins in the lab. Most us can also recall how the floor nurses treated us as students engrossed in our clinical rotations. There were nurses who made a positive impression on us and unfortunately there were nurses who did not make a positive impression. Terms such as “Incivility”, “Bullying”, “Vertical Violence” and “Internal Violence” have become too familiar in today’s nursing literature. As an Associate Professor of Nursing, it is a shame to have to include such terms in nursing lectures and worse of all trying to explain reasons this may be happening among nurses and just may happen to them as nursing students. According to Luparell (2011) “Because today’s student are tomorrow’s colleagues, conversations regarding incivility and bullying should include specific aspects of nursing academia and the preparation of new nurses”.

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What do they expect?  A comparison of student expectations and outcomes of undergraduate research experiences

What do they expect? A comparison of student expectations and outcomes of undergraduate research experiences

Tags: experiences nursing students perioperative research student student expectations student outcomes students

The big challenges facing nursing students today have permanent effects on us all as patients. Nursing students need to be able to value the relevance, authority, and utility of nursing research for patient care through embedding research learning in both academic and practice-based settings. Students can be supported in learning how to access, understand, and appraise the authority of research through weaving these skills into enquiry-based learning. Furthermore, encouraging students to undertake research- based practice change projects can support research utilization and development skills.

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Keeping a Positive Outlook: My Clinical Experience as a Student Nurse 

Keeping a Positive Outlook: My Clinical Experience as a Student Nurse 

Tags: clinical clinical experience health care nursing students preceptorship student nurse

My experience in my senior year clinical preceptorship was without a doubt unique but I feel its uniqueness was in what I made of it, something every nursing student can do for themselves. If there is one lesson to gain from reading about my experiences it should be that the success of a clinical, whether a preceptorship or group experience, is entirely what the student makes of it.

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Tags: health mythology nursing nursing students rn student

Article pertaining to mythology as related to nursing and the RN student.

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Increasing New Graduate Nurse Retention from a Student Nurse Perspective 

Increasing New Graduate Nurse Retention from a Student Nurse Perspective 

Tags: graduate nurse graduates new graduate nurses nursing students retention strategy student nurse

Research shows that turnover rates are high for new nurse graduates as a result of a stressful work environment coupled with inadequate support during the transition from student to professional practice. This article seeks to define the problem of new nurse graduate retention, examine strategies implemented by specific organizations that decreased turnover rates of new graduate nurses, and offer recommendations for the new graduate nurse about to enter professional practice.

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